Sunday, March 17, 2013

I Am Lucky Because...

I saw many St. Patrick's Day crafts on Pinterest that involved kids stating reasons why they were lucky.    Building upon that idea and combining it with this 3-d blossum idea, I created a St. Patrick's Day 3-leaf clover activity:

Before beginning the actual project, we asked students to brainstorm at least 6 reason why they are lucky. Then, students were handed a sheet of green construction paper with 6 heart templates already copied onto it.  Students were instructed to take their ideas and transfer each one onto a different heart.  Once all hearts were written on, students cut them out.

Each heart needs to be folded in half so that the writing is on the inside.  Lay out two of the folded hearts next to each other along the fold to create one of the leafs.  Repeat this step for the four remaining folded hearts to create the last two leafs.  I had students lay out all their pieces before gluing.  It is important to stress to students that only one side of the folded heart will need glue because the other side will be popping off of the page.  
I chose black construction for the students to glue their clover on, but any color construction paper can be used for the background.  Students used leftover green construction paper to create their own stem.  I also had them use a white crayon/colored pencil to write the title "I'm Lucky Because:" along the top or bottom (wherever it would fit best).  

I did this last year, so I do not have any student samples to show, but I'm working on a template for the hearts to share soon.

Rainbow Treats

The school where I work recently held a Parent Expo.  They wanted to give away something to the families who took applications to enroll in our school.  Since it was St. Patrick's Day weekend, they also wanted something to fit the holiday.  It made me think of these rainbow treats I recently came across on Pinterest.  There were many variations of the treats, so I decided to pull aspects from each that I liked to create my own.

First, you will need the following materials:

I chose to use multicolor Twizzlers because it would be much easier and cheaper than buying Skittles and separating them by colors.  In addition, I utilized the Twizzlers by cutting them in half.  I was able to make 12 rainbows per bag of Twizzlers.

  1. Drop 2 rolos in the pretzel bag.
  2. Pick out 5 colors for the rainbow.  Line them up, and drop in carefully.  There will always be one color Twizzler not chosen since only 5 can fit in the bag.  I made sure to follow ROY G BIV of course!
  3. Then top it off with some marshmallows.  I chose to add 7 for each one because I felt that amount looked the best.

For the topper, I wanted to personalize it for the event.  So I create one with our school's logo and the logo for the Expo.


On the back, I wanted to add a quote that had something to do with children, families, and education.  I found the perfect one from non other than Dolly Parton!

They were such a big hit and I really enjoyed making them :)